Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Molding a Balanced Brain

I wonder what type of person I’d be if Donald Trump was my father? Apart from the duck lips and the thinning hair, I imagine I’d be quite business savvy. Sure, I probably would’ve spent the majority of my summers at a boarding camp and my social circle would be a scene out of School Ties, but I imagine my life would be drastically different.
Don’t get me wrong. My dad’s one of a kind. He’s allowed me to be as creative as I wanted, bought me my first camcorder when I was 7, and encouraged me to chase my filmmaking dreams. However, as I push forward with A Boy’s Life, I’m continuously forced to develop myself as a creator and a businessman (I mean, it’s called show business, right?). Yet, coming straight from film school where I was strictly educated in the creative aspect of filmmaking, the business part of my brain isn’t only an ongoing battle… it’s an obstacle.
As an independent filmmaker, it’s my sole mission to soak up as much knowledge as humanly possible. Such a small percentage of making a movie is creative. I’ve come to learn, more and more each day, that a business plan is essential. From funding to distribution, I’m beginning to better understand the game and will continue to develop myself as a businessman for many years to come. Fortunately, I’ve met many mentors along the way who have been willing to teach me, and I never plan to stop learning. My teachers surround me. I work with them, tweet them, and drink cocktails with them year-round.
My life is a school.
Do I wish Donald Trump was my father? Nope. That thought has faded. My charisma, passion, and dedication isn't something I learned, but was essentially handed down. My dad did that (with much help from my mom). My childhood molded me into the person I am today, and those traits will undoubtedly follow throughout my filmmaking career… With a full head of hair to boot.