Apologies around for the gap between blog posts. We’ve been hard at work polishing A Boy’s Life, but that’s no excuse – an update is in order.
The cast & crew screening went fantastically – donors, the cast, and a good majority of our crew showed up to see what everyone helped create. Plenty of amazing feedback was bestowed about the short film and we wanted to share some with you.
“WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW!!! I wanted to congratulate you on the film. I had no idea what to expect, but what I was privileged to see today blew me away."
"The filmmaking was excellent. All the elements came together beautifully. The sound, color, editing, cinematography, performances...marvelous."
"Some shots were unbelievable. The TV in the reflection of the boy's glasses, the use of the flashlight, the two crawling on the floor while defeating the monster... just so much."
"It was modern and relevant, and timeless. And don't get me started on the surprise ending. Damn you, I jumped out of my seat!"
"I saw a lot of Spielberg in this film. But not only that, I saw elements of The Sixth Sense and Time Bandits."
"I was really impressed with the score and the opening credits. Were those all found props in Max's room? Thought his room was great."
We couldn’t be more proud of what we’ve created and can’t wait to share this everyone! Next stop – the festival circuit. Gear up, people, we’re entering the next phase of filmmaking!