When it rains, it pours. Literally. This past week, Los Angeles has been flooded with an unnatural and rare occurrence. Rain! A few days a year we’re graced with this downpour which spawns a completely unexpected chain of events. Traffic halts, Hollywood moves indoors, and I’m given the gift of time.
The past few weeks, I’ve dived into my creative work and poured over another version of the script (alright, fine. Enough with the “rain” puns). Beyond that, we’ve set down a few casting dates in November and are gearing up for another auditioning adventure! Our Casting Director (Dylan Jury) has already released the breakdown and Allison has settled all paperwork with the Screen Actors Guild. Now we wait... Hope... Pray that an amazingly talented cast is formed.
Now for the really exciting news… we’ve found a Director of Photography! In this industry, the team is a key component on what type of product you’re creating. A lackluster crew will ultimately lead to a lackluster film (it’s not exactly rocket science). Or, like A Note to Etienne, you surround yourself with people who care as much about the film as you do. Then something really amazing is created.
Since we’re shooting on the RED camera (i.e. ‘Mecca’ in the Digital Photography world), I wanted to find a cinematographer who wasn’t only well-verse in the technology, but passionate about the story and shared the same vision I did.
And boy did I ever! Welcome Aaron Moorhead to the team! Below is his reel to see some of his fantastic work.
Cinematography Reel 2010 - Aaron Moorhead from Aaron Moorhead on Vimeo.